Winter Pinks

Hello, Friends! How have your holiday breaks been? I've battled two colds and the flu over the past three weeks, but here's to hoping this cold weather stops messing with me and that I start feeling well again soon. 

Last week was a weird one! I always find the week before Christmas and New Year a little odd, because you can completely check out of reality before heading back to work. It's stress free, relaxing and given the freezing (and below freezing) temps we've had in Indy, J and spent most of it cozied up on the couch. Our NYE was nothing short of cozy. We opted to skip a night out downtown and instead watch corny movies, play some board games and drink champagne. 

While i've never been one to really get into New Year's Resolutions, I will say that I'm incredibly excited for 2018. 2017 was filled with a lot of change for us, and i'm hoping we'll have a bit more stability this year. I wrote a pretty big round up on what you can expect from the blog this year and I'll do my best to stick to it. My work schedule is pretty busy, but I absolutely love this side hustle of mine and i'm excited to continue putting as much as I can into it. 

This look is one you'll find me in a lot this time of year. It gets so cold here (I miss you Florida), so i've started investing in more fashionable coats, because I have to wear them more than anything. I wore this coat (similar) previously in a NYE inspired post, but I think this shows that you can dress it up or down. AKA: Even though it's a fur coat it doesn't have to be worn somewhere fancy. I paired it with my gray OTK boots (I've had them two years and adore them) and a pair of my most loved jeans. 

Cheers to 2018!




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Office Sneak Peek


A Note for New Year