Tips For Staying Motivated During the Holidays

The time has changed and Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming full steam ahead. With the sun setting so early and the list of Holiday to-dos seemingly growing by the minute it's so easy to fall into a rut this time of year, and I for one am not here for it.

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Typically, it's around this time that I enter what I like to call "Hibernation" mode. You know, a little more Netflix (ok a lot more) and less night's out with friends. But, I've finally found the formula to beat my own Winter Blues, and today i'm sharing a few of my best kept tricks with you.  Curious? Here's how I stay motivated during the Holiday Season: 

1. Stick to your Workout Schedule

Whether you work out in the morning or at night, it really doesn't matter as long as you stick to it! Sure, I may not be going on my long runs or walks with the dog because of the cooler weather, but that doesn't mean I can't take up BBG or head to the gym! Physical activity is so important and is a surefire way of keeping you on your toes all season long. 

2. Plan Time Out With Friends

To avoid hibernation and one too many nights on the couch, I set plans with friends a week ahead of time. That holds me to my commitment, minimizes my laziness and is such a great way to recharge your batteries when you're feeling just a little low. 

3. Make a List of Must-Dos 

The Holiday season flies by so quickly, and i'm honestly always left wanting more. Sure, it feels daunting in the moment but making a list of your must-dos will help keep you productive and make sure that you make the most of the Holiday Season!

4. Control your Food

You are what you eat! And, there's never a time that I eat worse than in November and December! Indulge on the big days, but keep yourself in check throughout the week to keep your body and mind operating as best it can! Steer clear of too many carbs and sugars to get rid of the urge to fall asleep and lounge around. 


How do you stay motivated this time of year? 

BTW, here's how J and I make the most of the holiday season




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