DIY Floral Bath Salts

Feel like you need a trip to an over-the-top, exclusive, candles-in-your-face spa? Or, is that just me? While I certainly wish I could escape to the spa every week, it's just not practical. That's why i've come up with a way to get my daily aromatherapy treatment right here from the comfort of my own home - DIY Floral Bath Salts!

I know what you're thinking - "That sounds like a lot of work." But, trust me when I say this is one of the easiest DIYs I've put together in a while. After all, the goal is to relieve stress, not create it. All it takes is a handful of some epsom salts, some dried florals (hey, Amazon), and some good-for-you essential oils. So, sit back, relax and learn how you can make these DIY Floral Bath Salts in just a few minutes. 

What You'll Need: 

1 Cup Epsom Salt (I used the pink salts, because #Pink)

4-5 Drops essential oil of your choosing (I used rose)

Dried florals (try these out!)

Jar of your choosing 


To Make:

1. Combine Salt, Florals and oil and mix well. 

2. Place mixture in jar and enjoy!




Cropped, Please


Salute to Summer Stripes