6 Things No One Tells You About Blogging

When I first started my blog a few years ago I had no idea what I was doing, or where it would go. It took terribly lighted photos, missed opportunities and so much more to get to where I am today. And, if i'm being honest, I often wonder how I ever even made it through those first few months. 

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I was constantly looking at other blogs, researching how to optimize my website and seeking any and all advice I could. I've learned so much over the past years. And, while i'm certainly still "figuring it out", i'm proud of how far i've come and of the things that i've learned along the way. 

There is so much to learn about the blogging world, and today i'm hoping that by sharing just a bit of advice i'll save you some of the hardships I went through. Here are the 6 Things that No One Tells You About Blogging. 

You Can't Please Everyone

I wouldn't say that I'm a people pleaser. In fact, I might even say that I'm the exact opposite. In blogging, you have to learn that not everyone is going to like the content you put out. And, that's ok. X Blogger's followers may hate my style or may not be interested in the home decor and food posts I put out. And that's OK. You are your brand. Focus on that, create content that reflects it and you'll please the readers that are most loyal to you. 

 Success Takes Time

Fun Fact: I didn't start this blog for money. GASP. In fact, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that people really cared about my opinion when it first started gaining traction and landing collaborations. This industry has become so saturated, that you have to work for your success. And, bluntly, that doesn't happen over night. Stick with it. Do you. And work hard. It will serve you well. 

Prepare To Wear 1,001 Hats

Content Strategist. Social Media Manager. PR Rep. Negotiator. Business Owner. Photographer. You name it, you'll do it. And, boy is it tough. Any entrepreneur knows that as a small business owner you'll wear a LOT of hats. But, I didn't realize just how many that was until after I started blogging. Long story short - prepare to hustle. 

There Is No "Normal"

No day is ever the same. Like EVER. One day I'm going to an event, the next i'm up late planning new content or looking for shoot locations. There is no day that's the same, ever. And, honestly that's part of what keeps this job so exciting. 

Taking Photos NEVER Gets Less Awkward

This one is funnier than anything else. But I still get super uncomfortable taking photos in public places. Like, will it ever get easier? 😂

The Comparison Game Is Your Worst Enemy

THIS. There is such a fine line between healthy and unhealthy comparison. Sure, it's great to use someone's creativity as inspiration, but if you're finding yourself jealous or envious - it's not good for you! There will always be a blogger with more followers, influencer or bigger brand deals. Don't let it make you second guess your worth or the quality of your work. You'll find success in your own time. 


BTW, 4 Things you Probably Didn't Know About Simply J and K and Your Photography Questions Answered.



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